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  • Writer's pictureBrian Davidson, PMP, CSM

Maintaining Laser Focus: Harnessing the Power of Momentum in Project Teams

When working on a project, whether it's designing a new software application, constructing a building, or launching a marketing campaign, maintaining a laser focus on the project goal is paramount. A highly focused team not only builds momentum but also allows the project to move forward more efficiently, often ahead of schedule. Moreover, maintaining focus can enhance the team's confidence in their ability to achieve the project objectives, which, in turn, further fuels momentum and drive.

However, keeping your eye on the prize is easier said than done, particularly in today's world, where distractions abound. To help project teams navigate this challenge, a simple yet effective tool - the Focus Plan - can be invaluable.

This article will delve into the importance of maintaining focus on project goals, the benefits it offers in terms of momentum and team confidence, and how the Focus Plan can help achieve this.

The Power of Focus

The term "laser focus" is often bandied about in project management circles, but what does it actually mean? Simply put, having laser focus means concentrating intently on a single objective or task until it is complete. This type of focus allows teams to hone in on the essential tasks at hand, stripping away unnecessary distractions and channeling all energy towards achieving the project goal.

When a team maintains this kind of focus, they build momentum. Momentum, in a project context, can be seen as a force that, once established, propels the project forward. This is akin to a snowball rolling down a hill; it starts small and slow but gains size and speed as it continues its descent.

High momentum often results in a project being completed ahead of schedule. With all the team members working in unison towards a single objective, tasks are completed more quickly, issues are resolved faster, and progress is made at a rate faster than initially anticipated.

Focus and Confidence: A Virtuous Cycle

A less discussed, but equally important, benefit of maintaining a laser focus on the project goal is the confidence boost it gives the team. As the team begins to see tangible results from their efforts, their belief in their own abilities to achieve the project objectives strengthens.

This increased confidence is not just beneficial for the current project, but also for future ones. Confidence can lead to more significant risks being taken, which can lead to more substantial rewards. It also allows team members to approach problems with a "can-do" attitude, tackling challenges head-on instead of shying away from them.

This cycle of focus, momentum, and confidence is self-perpetuating. The more focus a team has, the more momentum they build, which boosts confidence, which in turn increases focus, and so on. This virtuous cycle can propel a project team to levels of productivity and efficiency they may not have thought possible.

Introducing the Focus Plan

Maintaining laser focus in an environment rife with potential distractions requires not just willpower, but a concrete plan. Enter the Focus Plan - a straightforward yet powerful tool designed to help project teams minimize distractions and maximize focus.

The Focus Plan is a two-column table. On the left side, team members list the distractions they are currently facing or anticipate facing. These distractions could be anything that diverts their attention away from the project goal, such as excessive email notifications, unnecessary meetings, personal issues, or even a noisy work environment.

On the right side, the team members write down a clear action they can take to reduce the impact of each distraction. This could be turning off email notifications during designated work hours, declining meeting invitations that aren't relevant to their tasks, setting aside specific times to deal with personal issues, or finding a quieter place to work.

This tool's simplicity belies its effectiveness. By identifying distractions and devising a plan to deal with them, team members are empowered to take control of their work environment and their focus. The Focus Plan also has the added benefit of making team members more mindful of their work habits, potentially uncovering deep-seated issues that may be affecting their productivity.

Implementing the Focus Plan

Implementation of the Focus Plan is a straightforward process:

  1. Listing Distractions: Each team member begins by identifying distractions that prevent them from focusing fully on their tasks. It's important to be honest and thorough during this step.

  2. Devising Actions: For each listed distraction, the team member then identifies a specific, concrete action that can help minimize or eliminate that distraction.

  3. Implementing Actions: The team member then puts these actions into practice. This is a crucial step that requires commitment and discipline.

  4. Review and Refine: After implementing the actions for a period of time, the team member should review the effectiveness of each action and refine their Focus Plan as necessary.


In a world teeming with distractions, maintaining a laser focus on a project goal is a challenge that every project team faces. However, with a clear understanding of the power of focus and the benefits it brings, teams can utilize tools like the Focus Plan to stay on track.

By identifying distractions and creating clear actions to minimize them, team members can increase their focus, build momentum, and boost their confidence in their ability to achieve the project goal. The result is a more efficient project team, capable of delivering projects ahead of schedule and with greater success.

So, harness the power of focus. Empower your team with the Focus Plan and witness the transformative effects of momentum and confidence. After all, the goal is not just to complete a project but to do so in a manner that sets up the team for future success. And that's where laser focus makes all the difference.

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